Saturday, 25 October 2014

Blasphemous Fresh Pasta for the Eggless and Glutinously Challenged

It works. Hooray! 

Uncooked, dried tagliatelle 

I have successfully made lasagna and tagliatelle from this pasta. It doesn't get gooey, it doesn't smell bad, it has a decent flavour, doesn't feel mushy. It stays firm and separated, if cooked like eggy wheat (aka poisonous) fresh pasta. Even my Italian husband agreed that it's good enough to forego the buying of store-made lasagna sheets. A resounding success, I would say.

Fresh pasta - gluten free and eggless 
1 cup brown rice flour
1 cup tapioca starch
1 tsp psyllium husk powder
pinch of salt
pinch of grated nutmeg
Mix dry ingredients, add enough water until it resembles play-dough. It should form a ball without being sticky or crumbly. You can let it rest for about 15 minutes, or start rolling it out right away. Some rice flour may be necessary for the rolling process. 
If you aren't using the pasta right away, I suggest you coat it with some flour, then wiggle off the excess. This way it won't stick to itself while it dries. 

It's great in lasagna too!  

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